

My love for photography started with a liking towards cameras. I never knew what the term photography truly meant, and that you could make a living out of it. Whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I never really had an answer, but I’d say something like, an author or a veterinarian; truly knowing those two options I’d never want to be.

I received my first camera at the age of 12 and my second at 18; neither of which were very good quality. Deep into the era of social media, I got a Instagram account where I began to follow photographers and really admired their work and decided I could probably do that too. Most of my early photos I would take on my phone and use apps to edit. Near the end of high school, I knew I wanted to pursue photography as my career and took a media studies class for the sole purpose of the photography unit. In this class we barely scraped the surface, but I fell completely in love. I got to use a DSLR for the first time.

From there I applied to the Digital Photography program at Niagara College. Here I am exposed to all genres of photography and I’m still testing the waters, but my liking is leaning towards candids, studio work, and nature photography. I’m only just beginning my life as a photographer and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.